Make your team better.

See how dietitian support can help your athletes win


You want the best for your athletes. You want them to learn what it takes to be successful.

You want them to take their sport seriously. And you want them to keep improving. Getting faster. Stronger. Fitter. Recovering better. Not crashing at half-time. Not missing training due to injuries. Not catching every cold and flu that goes around.

Well you’re in luck, because optimising their nutrition for their sport helps to do just that.

It not only gets them physically ready for their continuously increasing training demands, but mentally ready to know what it takes to get there.

Here’s the thing,

If you look at any professional athlete,

be it a swimmer, cyclist, rugby player or footballer,

they have a very specific training plan that matches a very specific nutrition plan.

The only difference is,

they have an entire team of coaches, physiotherapists, counsellors and dietitians

guiding them every step of the way.

All the athletes need to worry about is going through the motions.

So what I’m getting at is -

if you want your athletes to start performing their best,

you absolutely need to start thinking about nutrition,

including what they’re eating, when they’re eating it, and it what amounts,

what their hydration plan is,

what supplements they’re taking,

and seeing it as the WHOLE picture that’s going to impact how they perform at training and competitions.

Click the button below to submit an enquiry form to hear how our experienced Accredited Sports Dietitian can support your team.

We offer

Body Composition Analysis

Anthropometry assessments using the Sum of 6 Skin-Folds to help assess progress in body composition. Includes assessment, interpretation of results and nutrition education depending on goals. Not recommended for children or adolescents.

Education Workshops

Have a dietitian come into the club and present a one-off or series of nutrition education workshops to athletes. Topics can be requested and discussed prior. You’ll be provided with soft-copy resources to share with your athletes/ parents following the presentation.

Sweat Testing

Have a dietitian attend a training session during the week and conduct a sweat testing assessment on athletes to help create individualised hydration plans.

“ Fuel your teams greatness “