Ready to take your sport to the next level?


Are you a parent of a developing athlete looking for nutrition support?
Do you want your child to take their sport to the next level?

I’d love to chat and see how I can best support you and your athlete. Please book a time for a free strategy call to see if we’re a good fit together.

Our Services

Thriving Athlete Program

Our newest and hottest program designed to help developing athletes who are chasing peak performance (and wanting to go pro) to learn the ins and outs on high performance nutrition.

90-Minute Strategy Consult & Individualised Meal Guide

Pick Neda’s brain for 90-minutes and leave feeling clear and confident with a fully individualised plan on how to fuel yourself effectively for your performance and lifestyle goals.

1:1 Consult Packages

Have a goal in mind and need 1:1 support for a specific period of time?

Find out how you can work with Neda to ensure you’re able to reach those goals through ongoing support and evidence-based nutrition interventions.

Team Sport Support

Coaches! Looking to get your athletes ready for competition? We can help. Check out how we can best support your team.

Meet Neda

+ BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science)

+ M.Sc (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD)
Accredited Sports Dietitian (ASD)

Neda is an Accredited Sports Dietitian with a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Sydney. She began her career as a dietitian working in Residential Aged Care facilities, Mental Health, the NDIS and kids in the community. During this time she also worked in professional sport with the Manly Sea Eagles NRL team, A-League, Cricket Australia while being the lead dietitian for a range of representative sporting clubs.

Neda’s passion for sports nutrition started in her early teens where she played Representative Basketball and was heavily involved in her school Cross Country. She experienced firsthand the consequences of poorly fuelling; fatigue, weakness, poor concentration, and more seriously – secondary amenorrhea. Despite eating more than she ever had before and doing everything her coaches asked, she saw no progress and went looking for answers.

10 years later, as an Accredited Sports Dietitian, Neda now uses her experiences to help other developing athletes ensure they’re fuelling optimally to reach peak performance in their sport.



To achieve what most can’t, you have to do what most won’t


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